Our Colonoscopy Los Angeles office has found pomegranates to be extremely vital in lowering the risk of colon cancer. The fruit contains two unique compounds that contribute to most of its health benefits: Punicic Acid and punicalagin. Read further to learn about more benefits.
It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
This fruit combats common gum diseases by preventing infections and inflammation. Use pomegranates to avoid oral issues such as periodontitis, denture stomatitis, and gingivitis.
Chronic inflammation plays one of the leading roles in chronic diseases.
Punicalagins is an extremely potent antioxidant that reduces chronic inflammation. Our colonoscopy Los Angeles office has found that pomegranates reduce inflammatory activity in colon cancer cells. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, pomegranates are also used to prevent or reduce arthritis, a form of joint inflammation.
Studies have shown that the fruit can slow down the reproduction of cancer cells.
Research has also shown that pomegranate extract can potentially lower the risk of prostate cancer growth and potentially fight against the production of breast cancer cells as well.
Heart disease is one of the world’s most common causes of premature death.
Oxidization of cholesterol particles impairs blood flow and can make an individual more susceptible to heart disease. Punicic acid is the main fatty acid found in pomegranates and prevents cholesterol particles from deteriorating.
Pomegranate is a memory improver.
There have been a few studies that evidence an improvement in memory with the use of pomegranate. This can possibly lead to a long-term prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
About Gi Doctor: Colonoscopy Los Angeles
Peyton P. Berookim, MD, FACG, is a top Beverly Hills gastroenterologist serving patients in both the Beverly Hills and greater Los Angeles area. If interested, please contact his team at 310-271-1122 or follow his Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on health facts.