Gastroenterologist Beverly Hills, GI Doctor, would like to share 3 tips that will help you be proactive and take preventative measures against cancer.

1. Maintain a well-balanced diet
While it may be difficult to know which products in a grocery market can guarantee cancer prevention, you can still work to reduce your risk. These actions include the following:
If consuming alcohol, do so in moderation. Alcohol consumption works to increase your risk at several different forms of cancer from breast to liver. For this reason, you should monitor the amount of time you drink and the amount of alcohol you are consuming.
Limit your meat consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) reached the conclusion that heavy intakes of processed meat also contributes to an increased risk of specific forms of cancer.
Make sure you are getting in the proper nutrients. Turning to fruits, vegetables and plant-source foods can ensure you are getting all the vitamins and hydration your body needs.
Avoid obesity. It is essential that to minimize your risk, you maintain a healthy weight. This comes through both eating healthily and being physically active which both lead to positive health benefits.
Avoid Tobacco. Smoking tobacco has been linked to various forms of cancer. This is an essential tip to minimize your cancer risk as it directly links to an increased risk.
2. Avoid behaviors that put you at risk.
Avoid sharing needles. Sharing needles with individuals who use certain intravenous drugs may lead to hepatitis B and C or even HIV. These are directly linked to an increased risk of liver cancer.
Ensure you are having safe sex. This means taking proactive steps such as limiting the number of sexual partners you see and using a condom. Having multiple partners puts you at a higher risk of contracting an STI (i.e. HIV or HPV). Furthermore, individuals with HIV or AIDS usually are at a greater risk of lung, liver and anal cancer. To add on those with HPV are generally at a higher risk of cancers such as cervical, anal, penal, oral and vaginal cancers.
3. Seek regular medical care.
Get vaccinated. Cancer prevention also includes protecting yourself from specific viral infections. You should prioritize vaccination against Hepatitis B and HPV for the reasons discussed previously. However, also speak to your doctor about what vaccinations he recommends.
Get tested. Whether these tests and screenings may be for sexual interactions or screenings against cancers directly, you should always test yourself regularly. Getting regular screenings can lead to early cancer discovery which can increase the chances of a treatment’s success. Talk to your doctor to see what a good schedule would be for you to get screened.
About GI Doctor
Gastroenterologist Beverly Hills, GI Doctor, is a well-qualified and practiced professional who truly cares about his patients. He and his team work hard to ensure that they are able to kindly assist anyone who walks through his office doors. To learn more about the services they offer feel free to follow them on Facebook or visit their main site here.